My name is Jonty, I have been living on the Isle of Man for just under 2 years.
This is an occasional blog that details some of the wonderful little things that I have found while I have been here.
For those people who don't know, The Isle of Man is an island in the Irish Sea, more or less equidistant from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
It has a history of motorsport with it's famous Tourist Trophy (TT) races, the Manx GP and some ferociously contested rallys.
Now, being new to the 'rock' I am still regarded as a 'comeover'. When I have been here a few more years I will be considered a 'stopover' and I will probably never be treated as truly Manx.
For any Manxies who do reach this page, I should point out that I love it here, anything posted on here is purely done in a good natured way and no offense is meant.